Austin Swanson
Next Steps
Provide your email below
Select the applicable service
Provide as much detail as possible, including the most important questions and items you are most concerned about or want reviewed.
I will reach back out via email with a follow up, with instructions on what I will need from you to complete my review.
Detail to Provide
New Analysis: For new full analysis, provide the name of the company, and any background you can provide.
Research: For researching one specific item for one company, provide the name of the company, the existing analysis or background on the company with as as much detail as possible, and the one specific item to research. Upload supporting material below.
Review: For reviewing existing analysis, provide the name of the company, and the existing analysis or background on the company with as as much detail as possible. Additionally, please provide questions, concerns, and if any specific areas you would like me to focus my review. Upload supporting material below.
Real Estate:
New Analysis: For new analysis, please provide the listing or as much detail regarding the property as possible. Upload supporting material below.
Review: For reviewing existing analysis, provide the listing or as much detail regarding the property as possible, and the existing analysis or background on the property with as as much detail as possible. Additionally, please provide questions, concerns, and if any specific areas you would like me to focus my review. Upload supporting material below.
Questions: For questions related to property management.
Type of Work
Reviews: For independent review of work or analysis already completed, I will provide comments, thoughts, and any concerns. Please provide specific areas to review or where there are concerns.
Research: Research include reviewing/analyzing/investigating one specific area of the company, and then creating new analysis for that one specific area, where there is existing analysis, and where you can provide your analysis of the entire company as background (allowing myself to get more up to speed, compared to a full new analysis).
New Analysis: This is for new original analysis for stocks, businesses, or real estate. This analysis is more for when you do not have existing analysis on this investment, and the job for me is to look into a new company from scratch (with no supporting background, and therefore taking more time to learn about the company). Please contact me first, to verify it is something I can analyze.
If you are looking for something different, please contact me (email me via the form above, or DM on Twitter).​
Pricing reflects the amount of work involved.
Reviewing existing analysis takes considerably less time than analyzing a new investment idea from scratch, and therefore prices reflect the difference in time and energy involved. Both will still be full independent analysis.
Even with multiple job requests, prices should be less than the rate of hiring a good analyst as a full-time employee, especially when considering additional full-time benefits.
Please allow for 1 business day for me to get back to you regarding your request for review.
For Reviews and Research: My expectation is for a review to take up to 10 business days after I receive the material to review and research for me to get back to you with my thoughts and comments following my review and research. Once starting the work, if that expectation changes, I will send updates. No additional charge for work that takes longer than expected.
For New Analysis: My expectation is for new independent analysis to take up to 20 business days for me to get back to you with my completed new independent analysis. Once starting the work, if that expectation changes, I will send updates. No additional charge for work that takes longer than expected.
My review or analysis will be submitted via email in a PDF report. Follow-up will be handled via email.
Please see the disclaimer tab before moving forward.
All work provided back are strictly my opinions, my interpretations, and my gathering of information and data. Any of these items should not be taken as fact, as they could be wrong or have errors.
All information provided should be carefully reviewed and verified by the person requesting the work.
I reserve the right to make public any new analysis, or thoughts of my own (such as those following a review).
I make no guarantee I can bring any additional value, insights, or information when reviewing existing analysis.
None of the work supplied is advice nor recommendations.